"My TM-Sidhi Programme provides a direct entry to the full blossoming of the creative genius of everyone; it is a master key to open the field of higher states of consciousness, where one naturally lives life supported by the evolutionary power of Natural Law." - Maharishi
What is the TM-Sidhi Programme?
How Does It Work?
During Transcendental Meditation, the mind settles down effortlessly to a state of deep inner silence - pure consciousness/Transcendental Consciousness, the rich source of creativity and intelligence within. During TM-Sidhi Programme we learn how to enliven that inner silence - to think and act from that level of pure consciousness.
Benefits of the TM-Sidhi Programme
‘If we have practised the TM-Sidhi Programme, then the conscious mind will always start thinking from that deepest level of the self-referral state of intelligence. And any thought that emerges consciously from there has the support of all the Laws of Nature. And any thought with the full support of Natural Law will always be fulfilled quickly without loss of time, without struggle and strife.' – Maharishi
Who leads the TM-Sidhi Course?

Improved Brain Functioning
Neuroscience tells us that everything good about the brain depends on its coherent and orderly functioning.
Scientific research has established that during Transcendental Meditation, brain functioning becomes highly orderly and coherent. During the TM-Sidhi practice, especially Yogic Flying, this coherence becomes even more widespread, with maximum coherence at the point when the body lifts off the ground. Heightened coherence indicates greater use of the brain's potential.
Studies on the TM and TM-Sidhi Programme show that this coherent brain functioning carries over into daily activity, resulting in increased IQ, higher levels of creativity, greater emotional stability, improved learning ability, moral maturity, better health and much more. See the web page Brain Health (opens in new tab/window).
See summary of research on the Transcendental Meditation Technique and the TM-Sidhi Programme.
Yogic Flying®
The TM-Sidhi Programme balances mind and body from the deepest level of consciousness. The most powerful aspect of this programme is the Yogic Flying Technique. During Yogic Flying, brainwave synchrony is maximized as the body lifts up and moves forward in short hops a sort of - "meditation in motion". Internally, the experience is accompanied by feelings of exhilaration, expanded awareness, inner freedom, lightness and "bubbling bliss."
The combination of inner silence and outer dynamism provides a powerful means of stabilising higher states of consciousness — enlightenment.
Benefits for Society
While the TM-Sidhi Programme can be practised alone or with friends and family, social scientists have found that when people come together and practise the programme in sufficiently large groups, they create a measurable influence of orderliness and coherence for the surrounding population. Researchers have identified this phenomenon as a "field effect" and tested its validity in more than 50 separate scientific studies - many of which can be found in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
The Maharishi Effect
This coherence-creating influence, termed the Maharishi Effect, is said to neutralise negativity and stress in society—as a natural consequence of reducing social stress, the crime rate drops, sickness and accident rates drop and the economy improves.
The Maharishi Effect is a recent discovery for modern science, but the phenomenon was described by the Vedic scholar Patanjali thousands of years ago in the ancient text of Vedic Science known as The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Knowing that you're also contributing more powerfully to the peace and coherence of society brings an added fulfilment.
Videos, Website, Podcast
Yogic Flying Meditation and Bliss
Lively introduction to Yogic Flying including contributions from Dr Fred Travis and Dr Nancy Lonsdorf. (5.18 minutes)
Andreas Thrasy, founder of the MyHotel Group, talks about the benefits of TM and the TM-Sidhi Programme. (2.01 minutes)
The Science of Peace, Huffington Post interview with Dr John Hagelin, Bob Roth and Colonel Reese.(Full version 29.46 minutes)
The Science of Peace, Huffington Post interview with Dr John Hagelin, Bob Roth and Colonel Reese. (Short version1.05 minutes))
Can group meditation bring about World Peace? Quantum Physicist, John Hagelin explains. (4.05 minutes)
Read more about the Maharishi Effect
Podcast by Dr Tony Nader MD, PhD, MARR (13 minutes)
The Difference Between Transcendental Meditation, Advanced Techniques and the TM-Sidhi Programme.
The TM-Sidhi Course 2025
The TM-Sidhi course includes:
Part One: three long in-residence weekends.
Part Two: two-week in-residence course.
This course will be held at the Maharishi Dome, Skelmersdale, Lancashire.
Advanced Techniques
TM-Sidhi Course Requirements for 2025
- Four Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation.
- Applicants are required to have practised both their Transcendental Meditation and all of the Advanced Techniques regularly, morning and evening for a minimum of two months (although four months is preferred) before the start of the TM-Sidhi Course.
- Recommendation from two TM Teachers who have known you ideally for at least six months.
- One TM residential weekend or longer course within the last year.
- TM-Sidhi Programme orientation residence weekend, or it may be possible to attend three orientation meetings at your local centre.
- Payment for the course or for meals and accommodation should not be made until after the orientation weekend or meetings.
Next Steps
- Find out more about the TM-Sidhi Programme by talking to a TM Teacher. We feel that taking the TM-Sidhi Programme is one of the best decisions you can make in your life. At the same time, we understand that it's a big commitment, and we encourage you to get whatever information you need to feel confident in your decision. Talking to a TM Teacher is an excellent way to do this, and he or she can advise you on whether it's a good next step for you at this point.
- Register your interest with the Maharishi Dome.
- Book a TM weekend if you have not attended one at all or not within the last year. Click here for more information on weekend retreats
For General Enquiries about the TM-Sidhi Course
Preliminary and Orientation Weekends 2025
Maharishi Dome, Skelmersdale, Lancashire
The orientation weekend is 28-30 December but there may be other possibilities - please enquire.
Tel: 01695 51617
Email: courses@maharishidome.org.uk
Website: Maharishi Dome
TM-Sidhi Course Dates 2025
Maharishi Dome, Skelmersdale, Lancashire
Tel: 01695 51617
Email: courses@maharishidome.org.uk
Website: Maharishi Dome
Course Fees
Please see separate page for details of Fees.
Please note
Please note that the TM-Sidhi Programme is only available through Maharishi Foundation with teachers who have received special training and not through any other organisations.
You will be emailed about TM-Sidhi courses unless you have requested otherwise.