In recent decades, modern science has probed into deeper and deeper levels of nature's functioning - from molecular to atomic to nuclear to sub-nuclear - culminating in the discovery of completely unified field theories based on the superstring. These new discoveries, supported by rigorous mathematics, tell us that at the basis of all the surface diversity and change we experience in daily life is one unchanging, universal field of concentrated intelligence and energy.
This unified field, interacting purely with itself, dynamically gives rise to the entire cosmos, including ourselves. Since it resides at infinitesimal distance scales that are not directly accessible by experiments, it cannot be measured directly - but its existence can be inferred mathematically and verified by the way nature functions on more expressed levels.
What does this have to do with your TM practice?
These ground-breaking discoveries from the objective field of modern science have fascinating parallels with our own subjective experience of effortless transcending during TM. Here too, we move from more superficial levels of nature's functioning (surface mental activity) to deeper, quieter, more expanded and powerful levels of thought and ultimately to pure inner wakefulness, devoid of thought - a field of pure intelligence, pure consciousness, which underlies and influences all the more expressed levels of our individual life.
This experience of pure consciousness, where we are awake to our own core reality, is the basis for the deep rest and release of stress that TM provides; it transforms brain functioning, physiological health, and behaviour, as extensive research has confirmed. And it gives us access to the full range of our own existence, from our surface localised perceptions to the unbounded intelligence and creativity within us.
The Unified Field and Consciousness
Extensive analysis of the parallels between ancient Vedic science and modern physical science by researchers such as Dr. John Hagelin (see video) have shown a quantitative and qualitative identity between these two different descriptions of nature and its source. But whereas the objective approach of modern science can only provide an intellectual glimpse of the unified field, the subjective approach of TM allows us to directly experience the unified field as the ultimate nature of our own consciousness. And in this way, through your effortless TM practice, you naturally begin to access and harness the limitless possibilities of that field - and thereby to bring fulfilment to all your dreams and aspirations.